So, as mentioned earlier, went to the Preseason NIT Tip-Off Classic or whatever it's called now-a-days the other day with my buddy Mike. Good times. Got to see two really good games; UCLA-Drexel & Duke-Memphis.
Drexel came within a point of upsetting #16 UCLA in the 3rd place game, which was really impressive. Definitely left me with a "Hey, they may not make the field of 65 out of the CAA, but people should watch Drexel this year" type of feeling.
Then, last night, UCLA beat Albany College by like 6 points, and were losing for a bit in the 2nd half. Now I'm retracting my statement about Drexel. It wasn't them. UCLA just isn't as good as people thought they were this year. This is a team that won't be in the Top 25 anymore once conference play rolls around.
As for Duke-Memphis, this game delivered. Just a great game. Memphis led for the first 19:30 of the first half before Duke took a 2 point halftime lead. (or 1 point. I forget.) Duke ended up winning by 3, while a last second 3 point shot by Memphis bounced off the rim. Great game. Confirmed that Memphis is a serious power out of a "mid-major conference" and that Duke really is the #1 team in the country.
But, moreso than that, it confirmed that Duke fans are insane. In the seat next to me was the biggest trash-talking fan of any sports team I've ever come across. Cool, I guess. He gets into it. But wait. It was a kid! He was ten! As soon as I sit down we get to talking, I find out he's rooting for Duke. I throw out a casual "Go Memphis!" because I wanted to toy with the little bastards emotions. Without even thinking, he countered with a quick "Memphis sucks." Wow. That was impressive. Seriously, it may not sound like a big deal, but the way he casually slid that into the conversation as if it were a natural response for a 10 year old in a sports conversation changed the entire night.
I wish I had a notebook with me so I could have jotted down everything he said. But I didn't. He said a lot of funny shit, though. The only one I really remember (and Mike eluded to this in his blog a few days ago) went something like this.
To set it up: Duke just had a big play. Don't remember what it was. Big rebound+dunk combo or something. Everyone is cheering, but the kid just looks at Mike & I and says "Are you guys hungry?" I'm not used to getting food offers from a 10 year old, so it took us both a minute to respond before one of us goes "Not really, why?" He came back with a loud shouting of "BECAUSE YOU JUST GOT STUFFED!"
That's it. I'm no longer allowed to trash talk at sporting events, because this 10 year old just outdid 23 years of work on my part.
But anyway, on to college basketball. I'm not going to sit here and pretend I'm a huge fan. I'm not. In february & march I love it. And I know a bit about it. But I don't really have a favorite team. I don't even know who this years Top 10 are.
So here's my "I don't know what I'm talking about 05-06 Predictions:"
*Duke really is that good.
*Memphis is also really good, but they have no inside game at all, which will hurt them come March.
*Villanova is everybody's preseason "sleeper" or favorite or whatever you want to call them. Too many people like them. They won't make the Sweet 16. Remember where you heard that.
*I don't like UCLA at all.
*The Big East is retooled & reloaded and ready for war this season. So who will win it? Well, I don't know who'll win the big east tourney, because there will be 7 teams that you can make a case for come March, but I know who will be the #1 seed. Don't laugh. It'll be Georgetown. This school is back, ready to re-stake its claim as a national powerhouse. Couple that with their insanely easy Big East regular season schedule this year. Because the conference is so big, they only have to play UConn, Syracuse & Villanova once, and don't play Louisville at all. Other schools, like Providence, USF, Rutgers, St. Johns, Seton Hall, they pop up multiple times on their conference schedule. They may not be the best team in the big east this year, but they'll go 12-4 or 13-3 in conference play and get the tourney's #1 seed.
*Everyone is going to love West Virginia this year after that run they had last year. This program is definitely on the rise, but it won't be as good as it was last year. I'd be shocked to see them make the sweet 16, and wouldn't be surprised at all if they were one-and-done in the tourney.
*Finally, onto my final four prediction. I don't have one. But I'll definitely have Duke in the championship game come March. As for the national champion? Memphis. That's right, Memphis. This is going to sound insane, but about two months ago I had a dream where I was hanging out with Darius Washington (a player on the Tigers) and we were talking about his team having just won the national championship. I have no idea what the hell that means. I'm probably losing my mind, and you all might be smart to commit me to some sort of hospital before things get worse, but that had to mean something. Right? I don't know. It probably didn't. I was probably doped up on NyQuil that night. You know how that stuff gives you wacky dreams. This was probably a result of that. But regardless, I'm going with my dream.
Memphis will win the 2006 Mens National Championship.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
The Christmas Spirit
Don't mind the pause from sports for a day, but I'm in the Christmas spirit. Early? Maybe. But that's the calendar's fault. Once Thanksgiving ends, I go into full Christmas mode. Not my fault Thanksgiving was so early this year.
Love Christmas.
Made a three-disc Christmas Mix the other day. Each disc themed differently.
A Very Sharkey Christmas.
It rocks. Hard. Go here; to download it. The site will give you a full tracklisting for each CD. Just right click + save as each individual song to get them all. Pain in the ass, I know, but worth it.
Just found out I'm going to Florida in three weeks. How un-Christmas is that? Who cares, I'm excited. I leave the 17th and come back the 22nd. That's going to be great. Then I have to work the 23rd, and I'm off the 24th & 25th. Thinking about just taking the 23rd off too and giving myself a kick-ass December vacation. I deserve it.
That's basically all I have to say. I'll end this with a few strips of Calvin & Hobbes to get you in the winter spirit.

Love Christmas.
Made a three-disc Christmas Mix the other day. Each disc themed differently.
A Very Sharkey Christmas.
It rocks. Hard. Go here; to download it. The site will give you a full tracklisting for each CD. Just right click + save as each individual song to get them all. Pain in the ass, I know, but worth it.
Just found out I'm going to Florida in three weeks. How un-Christmas is that? Who cares, I'm excited. I leave the 17th and come back the 22nd. That's going to be great. Then I have to work the 23rd, and I'm off the 24th & 25th. Thinking about just taking the 23rd off too and giving myself a kick-ass December vacation. I deserve it.
That's basically all I have to say. I'll end this with a few strips of Calvin & Hobbes to get you in the winter spirit.

Sunday, November 27, 2005
Shark Championship Standings VII
Phew, I'm finally back to posting on the site. Been a busy two weeks. I haven't done anything, really. But I assure you it's been busy.
That, coupled with the fact that I really haven't had anything interesting at all to say, means you haven't heard from me a lot lately.
I assure you, I'm back.
It starts now with the SCS. Only two polls left after this week before we crown the first ever SCS Champion.
Also this week you can look forward to me ranting like a lunatic about this afternoons Giants game, and the upcoming Giants-Cowboys showdown (the loser might miss the playoffs). And I'll have a review of the NIT Championships from this past Friday, which will include my abbreviated ncaa bball season preview, and a story on the coolest 10 year old ever.
But for now, onto the SCS.
Four "guest pollsters" this week (Pat, Mark, Scott & Andrew), as well as Logan, Tom, Matt & myself.
Makes for our highest total ever, a poll based on 195 points. And yes, you guessed it, once again USC has gotten all 195 possible points as they now have a strangle-hold on first place.
For the second week in a row we've seen a voter submit the Longhorns as the #3 team in the country.
Penn State is actually closer in voting to Texas than Texas is to USC.
And Virginia Tech is closer to LSU than LSU is to Penn State.
So it's starting to get interesting.
There seems to be a clear Top 13, and after that, everyone has two different teams in their 14th & 15th slots, which is also interesting.
But enough rambling, here is this weeks SCS Top 15:
1. USC 11-0 195 (last week: 1)
2. Texas 11-0 181 (lw: 2)
3. Penn State 10-1 168 (lw: 4)
4. LSU 10-1 153 (lw: 3)
5. Virginia Tech 10-1 139 (lw: 5)
6. Notre Dame 9-2 122 (lw: 6)
7. Ohio State 9-2 121 (lw: 7)
8. Oregon 10-1 97 (lw: 8)
9. Miami 9-2 83 (lw: 10)
10. Auburn 9-2 82 (lw: 8)
11. Georgia 9-2 64 (lw: 12)
12. West Virginia 9-1 60 (lw: 11)
13. UCLA 9-1 52 (lw: 12)
14. TCU 10-1 17 (lw: 14)
15. Alabama 9-2 14 (lw: 15)
Also Receiving Votes: Louisville (9), Michigan (2), Florida (1)
Next week will be the last SCS released until after the polls are over. Also, released simultaneously with next weeks SCS will be the announcement regarding the first ever College Bowl Challenge.
That, coupled with the fact that I really haven't had anything interesting at all to say, means you haven't heard from me a lot lately.
I assure you, I'm back.
It starts now with the SCS. Only two polls left after this week before we crown the first ever SCS Champion.
Also this week you can look forward to me ranting like a lunatic about this afternoons Giants game, and the upcoming Giants-Cowboys showdown (the loser might miss the playoffs). And I'll have a review of the NIT Championships from this past Friday, which will include my abbreviated ncaa bball season preview, and a story on the coolest 10 year old ever.
But for now, onto the SCS.
Four "guest pollsters" this week (Pat, Mark, Scott & Andrew), as well as Logan, Tom, Matt & myself.
Makes for our highest total ever, a poll based on 195 points. And yes, you guessed it, once again USC has gotten all 195 possible points as they now have a strangle-hold on first place.
For the second week in a row we've seen a voter submit the Longhorns as the #3 team in the country.
Penn State is actually closer in voting to Texas than Texas is to USC.
And Virginia Tech is closer to LSU than LSU is to Penn State.
So it's starting to get interesting.
There seems to be a clear Top 13, and after that, everyone has two different teams in their 14th & 15th slots, which is also interesting.
But enough rambling, here is this weeks SCS Top 15:
1. USC 11-0 195 (last week: 1)
2. Texas 11-0 181 (lw: 2)
3. Penn State 10-1 168 (lw: 4)
4. LSU 10-1 153 (lw: 3)
5. Virginia Tech 10-1 139 (lw: 5)
6. Notre Dame 9-2 122 (lw: 6)
7. Ohio State 9-2 121 (lw: 7)
8. Oregon 10-1 97 (lw: 8)
9. Miami 9-2 83 (lw: 10)
10. Auburn 9-2 82 (lw: 8)
11. Georgia 9-2 64 (lw: 12)
12. West Virginia 9-1 60 (lw: 11)
13. UCLA 9-1 52 (lw: 12)
14. TCU 10-1 17 (lw: 14)
15. Alabama 9-2 14 (lw: 15)
Also Receiving Votes: Louisville (9), Michigan (2), Florida (1)
Next week will be the last SCS released until after the polls are over. Also, released simultaneously with next weeks SCS will be the announcement regarding the first ever College Bowl Challenge.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Thanksgiving Ramblings
Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I just wanted to personally apologize to the three people that read this site before I got on to more important matters.
I'll probably get back to my semi-regular updates (3 or 4 a week) starting next Monday with the SCS. Busy week for me. Thanksgiving on Thursday at my house (I wish I was kidding when I told you we had a 26 lb, a 19 lb, and a 10 lb bird, all which were being cooked on Thursday. Yea, I don't get it either. That's the beauty of having two ovens (our second was installed on Monday). We can now do ridiculous things just for the sake of doing them.
My mom has spent over $400 so far on food for Thanksgiving. And we're not in charge of the appetizers or desserts. And we still have a liquor store run to make (last year that was $140). God I love Thanksgiving.
A few random whatevers to contemplate while you give thanks for knowing me this week:
*If you haven't listened to The Refreshments or Roger Clyne & The Peacemakers yet, you're missing out.
*I still love Everybody Loves Raymond. And I'm not going to lie, I watch this show more than both the Simpsons & Seinfeld lately. I'm not ready to call it better than these shows yet, but it might just be on it's way.
*Can't wait for Lost tomorrow.
*Going to the NIT Pre-season Championship on Friday in NYC, that's gonna rock. Here's hoping for a Duke-Memphis championship game.
*Seeing OAR on Saturday in Camden. This will be my 2nd time seeing them this year. That's a far cry from the 20 or so times I saw them between August 2003 & November 2004. Sucks that their tickets are like $40 a pop now.
*It's official, I suck at fantasy football lately. I still love playing it, but I'm just not as good as I used to be. This doesn't bother me, I'm ok with it. I just don't really understand it. In my three leagues this year I'm 7-4, 7-3 & 6-5. Not bad, you may say. I'm disappointed. I went thru a 5 year stretch in one league a few years back where I went 61-10, or something absurd. I miss dominating. Mediocrity just isn't the same. I'm going to have to get used to this.
*On the plus side, in my one fantasy baseball league, I've won 4 of the last 5 championships. So I still got that going for me.
*I haven't watched a Devils game in over a month. Here's hoping I get into hockey after football season ends, because right now it's just not doing it for me.
*So, after one of Notre Dame, Ohio State & Oregon get snubbed out of a BCS Bowl Game (OK, we can't lie here, it won't be Notre Dame), do you think the NCAA will start to consider a 16 team playoff? I don't either.
*But you can't deny the fact that the SCS is far superior to the BCS.
*Last week I was wearing shorts & sandals. Tonight, it's snowing (well, flurries). Anyone else remember the good old days when there were 4 distinct seasons in a year? I miss fall & spring, they were my two favorites. When was the vote to eliminate them? I'd have definitely chosen to get rid of winter & summer.
*Mmmm, turkey.
Feel free to stop by my house at anytime on Thursday. Drinking & eating begin at 1ish, dinner isn't til about 7, and you'll get to watch me drunkenly try to carve over 50 pounds of bird. Guaranteed good times to be had by all.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
I'll probably get back to my semi-regular updates (3 or 4 a week) starting next Monday with the SCS. Busy week for me. Thanksgiving on Thursday at my house (I wish I was kidding when I told you we had a 26 lb, a 19 lb, and a 10 lb bird, all which were being cooked on Thursday. Yea, I don't get it either. That's the beauty of having two ovens (our second was installed on Monday). We can now do ridiculous things just for the sake of doing them.
My mom has spent over $400 so far on food for Thanksgiving. And we're not in charge of the appetizers or desserts. And we still have a liquor store run to make (last year that was $140). God I love Thanksgiving.
A few random whatevers to contemplate while you give thanks for knowing me this week:
*If you haven't listened to The Refreshments or Roger Clyne & The Peacemakers yet, you're missing out.
*I still love Everybody Loves Raymond. And I'm not going to lie, I watch this show more than both the Simpsons & Seinfeld lately. I'm not ready to call it better than these shows yet, but it might just be on it's way.
*Can't wait for Lost tomorrow.
*Going to the NIT Pre-season Championship on Friday in NYC, that's gonna rock. Here's hoping for a Duke-Memphis championship game.
*Seeing OAR on Saturday in Camden. This will be my 2nd time seeing them this year. That's a far cry from the 20 or so times I saw them between August 2003 & November 2004. Sucks that their tickets are like $40 a pop now.
*It's official, I suck at fantasy football lately. I still love playing it, but I'm just not as good as I used to be. This doesn't bother me, I'm ok with it. I just don't really understand it. In my three leagues this year I'm 7-4, 7-3 & 6-5. Not bad, you may say. I'm disappointed. I went thru a 5 year stretch in one league a few years back where I went 61-10, or something absurd. I miss dominating. Mediocrity just isn't the same. I'm going to have to get used to this.
*On the plus side, in my one fantasy baseball league, I've won 4 of the last 5 championships. So I still got that going for me.
*I haven't watched a Devils game in over a month. Here's hoping I get into hockey after football season ends, because right now it's just not doing it for me.
*So, after one of Notre Dame, Ohio State & Oregon get snubbed out of a BCS Bowl Game (OK, we can't lie here, it won't be Notre Dame), do you think the NCAA will start to consider a 16 team playoff? I don't either.
*But you can't deny the fact that the SCS is far superior to the BCS.
*Last week I was wearing shorts & sandals. Tonight, it's snowing (well, flurries). Anyone else remember the good old days when there were 4 distinct seasons in a year? I miss fall & spring, they were my two favorites. When was the vote to eliminate them? I'd have definitely chosen to get rid of winter & summer.
*Mmmm, turkey.
Feel free to stop by my house at anytime on Thursday. Drinking & eating begin at 1ish, dinner isn't til about 7, and you'll get to watch me drunkenly try to carve over 50 pounds of bird. Guaranteed good times to be had by all.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Shark Championship Standings VI
On this day, the 23rd anniversary of my being, I present to you yet another SCS Top 15. Get excited.
This week we had two guests (Mark & Scott again), as well as the regular four. So 165 was the highest total a team could get.
USC received every first place vote, and got the 165 points that go along with being #1.
A funny thing happened at #2, though. Penn State stole one second place vote away from Texas. Texas is still firmly entrenched in second place, but you have to wonder if they would be if Michigan hadn't of beaten Penn State on the last play a month ago.
Three points seperate three teams from 5th-7th places, and three points seperate three teams from 11th-13th places.
Only three SCS's left (next week, post-conference championships, post-bowl season).
This week's top 15 is as follows:
1. USC 11-0 165 (last week: 1)
2. Texas 10-0 153 (lw: 2)
3. LSU 9-1 140 (lw: 3)
4. Penn State 10-1 136 (lw: 5)
5. Virginia Tech 9-1 109 (lw: 6)
6. Notre Dame 8-2 108 (lw: 7)
7. Ohio State 9-2 106 (lw: 8)
8. Oregon 10-1 81 (lw: 10)
8. Auburn 9-2 81 (lw: 11)
10. Miami 8-2 73 (lw: 4)
11. West Virginia 8-1 43 (lw: 12)
12. UCLA 9-1 40 (lw: 13)
12. Georgia 8-2 40 (lw: 14)
14. TCU 10-1 16 (lw: unr)
15. Alabama 92 8 (lw: 9)
Dropped out: #15 Michigan
Also receiving votes: Fresno State, Louisville, Michigan
This weekend's SCS Games:
Pittsburgh @ #11 West Virginia (Thu.)
#2 Texas @ Texas A&M (Fri.)
Arkansas @ #3 LSU (Fri.)
Virginia @ #10 Miami (Sat.)
North Carolina @ #5 Virginia Tech (Sat.)
#12 Georgia @ Georgia Tech (Sat.)
#6 Notre Dame @ Stanford (Sat.)
This week we had two guests (Mark & Scott again), as well as the regular four. So 165 was the highest total a team could get.
USC received every first place vote, and got the 165 points that go along with being #1.
A funny thing happened at #2, though. Penn State stole one second place vote away from Texas. Texas is still firmly entrenched in second place, but you have to wonder if they would be if Michigan hadn't of beaten Penn State on the last play a month ago.
Three points seperate three teams from 5th-7th places, and three points seperate three teams from 11th-13th places.
Only three SCS's left (next week, post-conference championships, post-bowl season).
This week's top 15 is as follows:
1. USC 11-0 165 (last week: 1)
2. Texas 10-0 153 (lw: 2)
3. LSU 9-1 140 (lw: 3)
4. Penn State 10-1 136 (lw: 5)
5. Virginia Tech 9-1 109 (lw: 6)
6. Notre Dame 8-2 108 (lw: 7)
7. Ohio State 9-2 106 (lw: 8)
8. Oregon 10-1 81 (lw: 10)
8. Auburn 9-2 81 (lw: 11)
10. Miami 8-2 73 (lw: 4)
11. West Virginia 8-1 43 (lw: 12)
12. UCLA 9-1 40 (lw: 13)
12. Georgia 8-2 40 (lw: 14)
14. TCU 10-1 16 (lw: unr)
15. Alabama 92 8 (lw: 9)
Dropped out: #15 Michigan
Also receiving votes: Fresno State, Louisville, Michigan
This weekend's SCS Games:
Pittsburgh @ #11 West Virginia (Thu.)
#2 Texas @ Texas A&M (Fri.)
Arkansas @ #3 LSU (Fri.)
Virginia @ #10 Miami (Sat.)
North Carolina @ #5 Virginia Tech (Sat.)
#12 Georgia @ Georgia Tech (Sat.)
#6 Notre Dame @ Stanford (Sat.)
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Yay Football Postseasons
Sorry for the lack of updates this week. I'd like to tell you I've been busy & just haven't had time, but that's definitely not the case. I just haven't updated. I know, I suck. Oh well, sue me. Or stop reading the site. It won't kill my ratings if the number of readers drops from 7 to 6.
Anyway, this isn't really an update, just like a "teaser trailer". Except this isn't hollywood, and I don't have any movie to tease you with.
Just keep an eye out to this site for info on "The Sharkey's First Annual College Bowl Challenge" & "The Sharkey's First Anual NFL Playoff Challenge".
Good times to be had by all, that's for damn sure.
Anyway, this isn't really an update, just like a "teaser trailer". Except this isn't hollywood, and I don't have any movie to tease you with.
Just keep an eye out to this site for info on "The Sharkey's First Annual College Bowl Challenge" & "The Sharkey's First Anual NFL Playoff Challenge".
Good times to be had by all, that's for damn sure.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
The Superstitious Sharkey
So Sunday sucked. Giants lost. It's like I said a few weeks ago, the Giants I grew up loving always found a way to lose the games against the teams they had no right losing too. This continues. As long as this continues, I won't be able to fully say "Yea, this Giants team can win a championship."
Same thing happened with my Devils. In the late 90's, they choked in 4 successive seasons. Then, in 2000, they played a far inferior Panthers team in the first round. In the previous three seasons, they lost this season. But that team was on a mission, and it swept the Panthers. After that series, they went on to win an additional 6 in a row, and in the process won a cup, and lost another in a game 7. And then two years later, won another cup. Those Devils teams I felt could win any game, any day, no matter the circumstances.
If these Giants keep losing to the likes of the Lions, the Bears, the Vikings, etc, I won't be able to put them in that level, no matter how well they play against the Redskins & Broncos. (for the record, they played horrible against the Broncos, but what a win that was.)
Anyway, on to the point. After the Giants loss on Sunday a buddy of mine called me up & said "Dude, what'd you do?"
Yea, it was my fault. A quick rewind.
Back to the Devils. Way back to 1994, my first experience with playoff hockey. I was 12. The Devils played the Rangers in the Conference Finals (greatest 7 game series in sports history, but I'll save that debate for another day). It was in those two weeks, in the spring of '94, that I was introduced to "the playoff beard." Whoa. You mean guys did or didn't do a certain thing just to keep a good thing going? I wanted a part of this.
Over the next few years I tried different things so I could say I had superstitions. I eventually realized you can't create superstitions. They are their own beast, and they create themselves. I realized they had to find themselves.
During the aforementioned 2000 Stanley Cup Playoffs, the Devils beat the Flyers in game 1 of the East Finals. They went on to lose games 2, 3 & 4. I was devastated. As a superstitious person, I realized this had to be my fault. This may sound stupid, or like a stretch, but I was looking for something I did during game 1 that I didn't during any other game. The answer was simple.
Game one was a Saturday, we had a bbq that day. During the game, I snacked on chips & dip. How simple. Game 5 was set for a Monday. In school that day I boldly told anyone who would listen that the Devils were goign to the Stanley Cup Finals. They all laughed. That night, I ate chips. Devils won. Game 6, chips, victory. Game 7? You guessed it.
Can't stop now. Game 1 Cup finals, Chips & Win. Then dreaded game 2. I got cocky. I went to a friends house for the game, a friend who didn't have the necessary snacks. Obviously, the Devils lost. Wouldn't make the same mistake again. 3 & 4, chips & win. Game 5? Superstition on hold. I had tickets to watch the Devs win the cup. Obviously no chips. Devs lost in Triple OT. Two nights later, chips & cup.
A superstition monster was born.
During the Giants Super Bowl run the following season, I had the same breakfast every game day, starting in week 13 (Giants entered that week at 7-4 & on a 2 game losing streak.) They finished the season on a 5 game winning streak, and made the super Bowl.
I learned after the Ravens murdered the Gmen that superstition doens't guarantee victory. But without them, a loss is impossible to avoid.
During the Devils 2001 Cup run? Wawa sub & iced tea.
'03 cup run? I wore the same red boxers & blue OAR tshirt on every gameday. I'm not sure if this one really worked or not, because I was too afraid to try & not wear one of these on gameday. If I had work? This was on under my outfit. A fancy dinner date with my girlfriend & her parents? On under the outfit, and I had to wear a dark dress shirt so the blue of my tshirt didn't show through.
Yes. I'm insane. If I find something that works, I roll with it. I can think of at least 10 other instances of crazy superstitions for me. During Devils games during the 2000 & 01 cup runs, I always sat in the same spot on my couch, always held the remote, never changed channels during commercials, no bathroom breaks unless during intermission. During Giants games, no matter what the spread or how good or bad the giants or their opponent is, I will never EVER bet against the Giants. I've lost many points in my weekly pool leagues because the Giants suffered through a 4-12 season yet I picked them for 16 wins. Oh well. I don't watch Notre Dame games at home. Not sure why on this one, but I can't. I have to be at a friends, a neighbors, a bar, wherever. Not at home.
And now my newest one. After the Giants got destroyed by the Chargers in week 3, I inadvertantly wore the same outfit during week 4 that I did during week 2. Plax jersey, Irish hat, brown cargo pants & workboots. Giants won week 4. I caught on. The Giants lost in week 6, despite my wearing this same outfit, but won weeks 7, 8 & 9. Like I said, doesn't guarantee victory. But can't win without it.
So this Sunday, after they lost, my friend asked what I did wrong? The answer, simple. For the first time since week 2, I was at home to watch the Giants game. So I didn't have the boots on. I was barefoot. I didn't follow the code, and I screwed over the Gmen.
You may call me insane. But then, if you do, you really might not be as big of a sportsfan as you thought you were.
As for me? You can bet your ass that those pants, that jersey, that hat & those boots will be on me for every game from here on out, no matter what the results may be.
Same thing happened with my Devils. In the late 90's, they choked in 4 successive seasons. Then, in 2000, they played a far inferior Panthers team in the first round. In the previous three seasons, they lost this season. But that team was on a mission, and it swept the Panthers. After that series, they went on to win an additional 6 in a row, and in the process won a cup, and lost another in a game 7. And then two years later, won another cup. Those Devils teams I felt could win any game, any day, no matter the circumstances.
If these Giants keep losing to the likes of the Lions, the Bears, the Vikings, etc, I won't be able to put them in that level, no matter how well they play against the Redskins & Broncos. (for the record, they played horrible against the Broncos, but what a win that was.)
Anyway, on to the point. After the Giants loss on Sunday a buddy of mine called me up & said "Dude, what'd you do?"
Yea, it was my fault. A quick rewind.
Back to the Devils. Way back to 1994, my first experience with playoff hockey. I was 12. The Devils played the Rangers in the Conference Finals (greatest 7 game series in sports history, but I'll save that debate for another day). It was in those two weeks, in the spring of '94, that I was introduced to "the playoff beard." Whoa. You mean guys did or didn't do a certain thing just to keep a good thing going? I wanted a part of this.
Over the next few years I tried different things so I could say I had superstitions. I eventually realized you can't create superstitions. They are their own beast, and they create themselves. I realized they had to find themselves.
During the aforementioned 2000 Stanley Cup Playoffs, the Devils beat the Flyers in game 1 of the East Finals. They went on to lose games 2, 3 & 4. I was devastated. As a superstitious person, I realized this had to be my fault. This may sound stupid, or like a stretch, but I was looking for something I did during game 1 that I didn't during any other game. The answer was simple.
Game one was a Saturday, we had a bbq that day. During the game, I snacked on chips & dip. How simple. Game 5 was set for a Monday. In school that day I boldly told anyone who would listen that the Devils were goign to the Stanley Cup Finals. They all laughed. That night, I ate chips. Devils won. Game 6, chips, victory. Game 7? You guessed it.
Can't stop now. Game 1 Cup finals, Chips & Win. Then dreaded game 2. I got cocky. I went to a friends house for the game, a friend who didn't have the necessary snacks. Obviously, the Devils lost. Wouldn't make the same mistake again. 3 & 4, chips & win. Game 5? Superstition on hold. I had tickets to watch the Devs win the cup. Obviously no chips. Devs lost in Triple OT. Two nights later, chips & cup.
A superstition monster was born.
During the Giants Super Bowl run the following season, I had the same breakfast every game day, starting in week 13 (Giants entered that week at 7-4 & on a 2 game losing streak.) They finished the season on a 5 game winning streak, and made the super Bowl.
I learned after the Ravens murdered the Gmen that superstition doens't guarantee victory. But without them, a loss is impossible to avoid.
During the Devils 2001 Cup run? Wawa sub & iced tea.
'03 cup run? I wore the same red boxers & blue OAR tshirt on every gameday. I'm not sure if this one really worked or not, because I was too afraid to try & not wear one of these on gameday. If I had work? This was on under my outfit. A fancy dinner date with my girlfriend & her parents? On under the outfit, and I had to wear a dark dress shirt so the blue of my tshirt didn't show through.
Yes. I'm insane. If I find something that works, I roll with it. I can think of at least 10 other instances of crazy superstitions for me. During Devils games during the 2000 & 01 cup runs, I always sat in the same spot on my couch, always held the remote, never changed channels during commercials, no bathroom breaks unless during intermission. During Giants games, no matter what the spread or how good or bad the giants or their opponent is, I will never EVER bet against the Giants. I've lost many points in my weekly pool leagues because the Giants suffered through a 4-12 season yet I picked them for 16 wins. Oh well. I don't watch Notre Dame games at home. Not sure why on this one, but I can't. I have to be at a friends, a neighbors, a bar, wherever. Not at home.
And now my newest one. After the Giants got destroyed by the Chargers in week 3, I inadvertantly wore the same outfit during week 4 that I did during week 2. Plax jersey, Irish hat, brown cargo pants & workboots. Giants won week 4. I caught on. The Giants lost in week 6, despite my wearing this same outfit, but won weeks 7, 8 & 9. Like I said, doesn't guarantee victory. But can't win without it.
So this Sunday, after they lost, my friend asked what I did wrong? The answer, simple. For the first time since week 2, I was at home to watch the Giants game. So I didn't have the boots on. I was barefoot. I didn't follow the code, and I screwed over the Gmen.
You may call me insane. But then, if you do, you really might not be as big of a sportsfan as you thought you were.
As for me? You can bet your ass that those pants, that jersey, that hat & those boots will be on me for every game from here on out, no matter what the results may be.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Shark Championship Standings V
Last weekend, you may remember, I hinted towards some changes in the Shark Championship Standings starting this week. I mentioned that my buddy Tom would be joining me in determining the SCS Rankings.
He is.
So are a few other people. Two other people, Matt & Logan, are joining as permanent members of the SCS. A few other people expressed interest as well, but most just forgot to actually give me their Top 15, so they're SOL.
But not really. Because on top of the four of us, anyone else is allowed to send in a Top 15 any given week, if they'd like. And that will be counted in determining the SCS15.
So now, the technical part, explaining how we do this. Basically, each Top 15 is on a 15-point scale. Every first place vote receives 15 points. Ever second place vote receives 14 points. Ever 15th place votes receives 1 point. So now, when I give you the Top 15, you will see a number next to each team, telling them how many points they have. Obviously, the max number possible will change each week, depending on how many people submit a Top 15.
So what's so special about being a permanent member? Your vote counts for two. So in each of the polls that Matt, Logan & Tom submit, first place gets 30, second place gets 28, etc. And for me, since this is my baby afterall, my vote counts for three. For me, first place gets 45, second gets 42, etc.
Obviously, the more people who contribute, the less the four of us will matter. But in a week like this, when only three other people submitted guest polls, the four of us count for a lot.
Without anymore explanation, this week's Top 15. As always, to see last week's, click on "Shark Championship Standings IV" on the right.
This week's voters:
The 4, plus Pat, Mark & Scott
Possible points: 180
1. USC 10-0 179 (last week: 1)
2. Texas 10-0 169 (lw: 2)
3. LSU 8-1 150 (lw: 5)
4. Miami 8-1 146 (lw: 4)
5. Penn State 9-1 133 (lw: 8)
6. VaTech 8-1 109 (lw: 7)
7. Notre Dame 7-2 104 (lw: 6)
8. Ohio State 8-2 96 (lw: 9)
9. Alabama 9-1 87 (lw: 3)
10. Oregon 9-1 67 (lw: 12)
11. Auburn 8-2 65 (lw: unranked)
12. West Virginia 8-1 45 (lw: 14)
13. UCLA 9-1 44 (lw: 13)
14. Georgia 7-2 23 (lw: 10)
15. Michigan 7-3 9 (lw: 15)
Other's receiving votes: Texas Christian, Fresno State, Louisville
Dropped out: #11 Florida
This week's SCS games:
#6 Virginia Tech @ Virginia
Kentucky @ #14 Georgia
#8 Ohio State @ #15 Michigan
Syracuse @ #7 Notre Dame
#9 Alabama @ #11 Auburn
#5 Penn State @ Michigan State
Oregon State @ #10 Oregon
Georgia Tech @ #4 Miami
#3 LSU @ Mississippi
Fresno State @ #1 USC
He is.
So are a few other people. Two other people, Matt & Logan, are joining as permanent members of the SCS. A few other people expressed interest as well, but most just forgot to actually give me their Top 15, so they're SOL.
But not really. Because on top of the four of us, anyone else is allowed to send in a Top 15 any given week, if they'd like. And that will be counted in determining the SCS15.
So now, the technical part, explaining how we do this. Basically, each Top 15 is on a 15-point scale. Every first place vote receives 15 points. Ever second place vote receives 14 points. Ever 15th place votes receives 1 point. So now, when I give you the Top 15, you will see a number next to each team, telling them how many points they have. Obviously, the max number possible will change each week, depending on how many people submit a Top 15.
So what's so special about being a permanent member? Your vote counts for two. So in each of the polls that Matt, Logan & Tom submit, first place gets 30, second place gets 28, etc. And for me, since this is my baby afterall, my vote counts for three. For me, first place gets 45, second gets 42, etc.
Obviously, the more people who contribute, the less the four of us will matter. But in a week like this, when only three other people submitted guest polls, the four of us count for a lot.
Without anymore explanation, this week's Top 15. As always, to see last week's, click on "Shark Championship Standings IV" on the right.
This week's voters:
The 4, plus Pat, Mark & Scott
Possible points: 180
1. USC 10-0 179 (last week: 1)
2. Texas 10-0 169 (lw: 2)
3. LSU 8-1 150 (lw: 5)
4. Miami 8-1 146 (lw: 4)
5. Penn State 9-1 133 (lw: 8)
6. VaTech 8-1 109 (lw: 7)
7. Notre Dame 7-2 104 (lw: 6)
8. Ohio State 8-2 96 (lw: 9)
9. Alabama 9-1 87 (lw: 3)
10. Oregon 9-1 67 (lw: 12)
11. Auburn 8-2 65 (lw: unranked)
12. West Virginia 8-1 45 (lw: 14)
13. UCLA 9-1 44 (lw: 13)
14. Georgia 7-2 23 (lw: 10)
15. Michigan 7-3 9 (lw: 15)
Other's receiving votes: Texas Christian, Fresno State, Louisville
Dropped out: #11 Florida
This week's SCS games:
#6 Virginia Tech @ Virginia
Kentucky @ #14 Georgia
#8 Ohio State @ #15 Michigan
Syracuse @ #7 Notre Dame
#9 Alabama @ #11 Auburn
#5 Penn State @ Michigan State
Oregon State @ #10 Oregon
Georgia Tech @ #4 Miami
#3 LSU @ Mississippi
Fresno State @ #1 USC
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
NFL Midseason Review
The NFL is a little more than halfway finished, and aside from the Colts being the class of this season's NFL, nothing is established. So what can we expect in the next 8 weeks? Who knows.
But I will review what we've seen in the first 9 weeks, and maybe thru it, we can pick up some clues as to what to expect down the stretch. In my attempt to be cool & different, this review will be done fantasy-style, with nothing to do with fantasy sports.
Here are, in order, the 32 highest ranked position players in my fantasy league so far this season, and some information about them or their teams that has nothing to do with fantasy football:
1. LaDainian Tomlinson- You'd think if your star player was on pace for 2200 yards from scrimmage & 29 TDs, you'd be better than 5-4. The Chargers are still the class of the NFC West, now we have to see if they'll figure that out before it's too late.
2. Shaun Alexander- Now here's a guy taking full advantage of a contract year. Hopefully Seattle will take notice. It'd be a shame for a talent like this to end up in Arizona or San Francisco.
3. Carson Palmer- Breakout star on a breakout team. Now if only somebody can tell the Bengals that you can't get by on just beating the bad teams-- what's that, they can? If this team just beats the teams it should the rest of the way, and fails to showup against the good teams, like it has so far this season, it'll still finish 11-5, which will be good enough for the 5 seed in the AFC.
4. Donovan McNabb- God how great has it been watching the Eagles fall apart this season? I love it. This team still scares me though, and with 4 divisional games remaining on their schedule, they have a huge hand in determining the winner, the winner that could ultimately still end up being them.
5. Edgerinn James- Why is this years Colts offense better than last years? This man. He's involved. They control the game now, instead of just throwing 7 TDs a game against lesser opponents and struggling against good D's. Watching this O, you get the feeling it can score against any D at any time on any field, which makes their impending homefield advantage that much scarier.
6. LaMont Jordan- Which division is better? The NFC East or the AFC West? Who knows. But the fact that these two divisions play each other & 7 of the teams are in playoff contention is thrilling. The Raiders not being in playoff contention makes them the ultimate playoff spoiler. This team could really enjoy their last two months of the season.
7. Steve Smith- 6 letters for you: NFL MVP.
8. Peyton Manning- One sentence for you: Not even his team's MVP.
9. Eli Manning- One sentence to end the insanity: He is not the best Manning in the NFL this year.
10. Drew Bledsoe- Dear Buffalo Bills Offensive Line; we're sorry for criticizing you for allowing to let Bledsoe get sacked & rattled all those times these last few seasons. The "great" Dallas line has allowed him to get sacked 20 times in 8 games. Maybe it's not their lines, maybe it's him. But then, why is he having such a great season?
11. Stephen Davis- Might he be the most unrecognizable RB to ever lead his team to two super bowls? I don't know. More on this in February.
12. Tom Brady- Funny that his best season comes in his teams worst season with him at the helm. Maybe the fact that Peyton is playing like Brady confused him, and now he thinks he has to play like Peyton.
13. Drew Bress- Or Philip Rivers? Or LaDainian Tomlinson? Who is the QB of the future for the Chargers? I don't know, but if the Jets managed to tank this season, draft Reggie Bush & sign Drew Brees, they'd immediately be awesome next year.
14. Jake Plummer- Yes, he's playing better. No, that doesn't mean he is better. He's simply not being asked to win games anymore. He's getting the Trent Dilfer treatment, if you don't lose the game, we'll win the game. It's working.
15. Brett Favre- I know I said no fantasy talk, but I'm shocked he's this high. Maybe my league is a little bit too QB heavy? Might have to fix that next season, so that Aaron Rodgers doesn't become a "top 20" fantasy-player.
16. Stephen Jackson- The man's a stud. And now that Mike Martz is PERMANENTLY out of the picture in St. Louis, Jackson is going to have himself quite the career. Forget Jones & Jones, this is the best RB of the '04 class.
17. Kerry Collins- Does anyone else think he has his week 17 game against the Giants circled? How he'd love to eliminate them from the playoffs.
18. Jake Delhomme- Forget what was said about Stephen Davis. Jake Delhomme as a two-time Super Bowl QB? Wow. And to think, the Saints let him go so they could keep Aaron Brooks. Wow.
19. Antonio Gates- Yes, if he played in week one the Chargers would be 6-3, the Cowboys would be 4-4, and the AFC West & NFC East would be two totally different looking divisions.
20. Tiki Barber- Just because I have to relive the game once more before I let it be and move on to worrying about the rest of the season: The Giants destroyed the "suddenly good" Washington Redskins 36-0. Yup. That felt good.
21. Terrell Owens- Ahahahahahahahahaha. Ok, that's wrong. I'm sorry Philadelphia. Wait, wait- ahahahahahahaahahahaha. Moron.
22. Mark Brunell- Don't you hate when a team finally finds their franchise QB, and he's 45 years old? I almost feel bad for Redskins fans, almost. They've been given so much false information about how good their team is this year, their poor hearts are going to be broken in the coming weeks.
23. Joey Galloway- Has any team gone from superbowl contender to top10 pick team as fast as this years Bucs did? I've never seen anything like it. They don't even scare me anymore, at all. This team is bad.
24. Ben Roethlisberger- Last year the Patriots were just a better team. This year, the Colts are just a better team. The Steelers better hope one of these years is their year before Roethlisberger turns into Vinny Testeverde & just becomes a career journey-man.
25. Byron Leftwich- It's a fact, he is the toughest QB I've ever seen. If the Bengals, Broncos, Chargers & Chiefs aren't careful, they're going to find themselves on the outside of the playoffs looking in because the Jaguars powderpuff schedule down the stretch could leave them at 12-4 and with one of the two wildcard spots.
26. Matt Hasselbeck- Repeat after me: I'm in shock that the Seattle Seahawks, of all teams, are going to have homefield advantage throughout the NFC playoffs. Only question left to ask, is which team "upsets them" in their first game, the Giants, Redskins, Cowboys, Bears or Falcons?
27. Priest Holmes- If the reports of his impending retirement are true, he'll be missed. Definitely one of the mroe fun guys in the NFL to watch. Lucky for the Chiefs, they won't even miss a step with Larry Johnson back there.
28. Santana Moss- Wow, the whole world knew the Moss-for-Coles deal was onesided, but I don't think anybody thought the Jets were the team that got robbed.
29. Chad Johnson- Like T.O., he's a full of himself arrogant showoff. Like T.O., he's full of talent. Unlike T.O., he's got a job.
30. Thomas Jones- Never been a topflight NFL RB, but he's always gotten the job down. Now he's going to get it done to the tune of a divisional championship, with a rookie who has twice the talent of him sitting on the bench.
31. Brian Westbrook- He got his longterm contract on the same day the Eagles lost their passing game. Let's see if it was worth it, now. Can he carry the Eagles the rest of the season? Because he has to.
32. Marvin Harrison- One of the best WRs of all time, and this February he'll finally get to play in a Super Bowl. Unfortunately for him, #'s 7, 11 & 18, as well as a defense up to the task of stopping this Colts O will see to it that he doesn't get a Super Bowl ring. At least, not this year.
But I will review what we've seen in the first 9 weeks, and maybe thru it, we can pick up some clues as to what to expect down the stretch. In my attempt to be cool & different, this review will be done fantasy-style, with nothing to do with fantasy sports.
Here are, in order, the 32 highest ranked position players in my fantasy league so far this season, and some information about them or their teams that has nothing to do with fantasy football:
1. LaDainian Tomlinson- You'd think if your star player was on pace for 2200 yards from scrimmage & 29 TDs, you'd be better than 5-4. The Chargers are still the class of the NFC West, now we have to see if they'll figure that out before it's too late.
2. Shaun Alexander- Now here's a guy taking full advantage of a contract year. Hopefully Seattle will take notice. It'd be a shame for a talent like this to end up in Arizona or San Francisco.
3. Carson Palmer- Breakout star on a breakout team. Now if only somebody can tell the Bengals that you can't get by on just beating the bad teams-- what's that, they can? If this team just beats the teams it should the rest of the way, and fails to showup against the good teams, like it has so far this season, it'll still finish 11-5, which will be good enough for the 5 seed in the AFC.
4. Donovan McNabb- God how great has it been watching the Eagles fall apart this season? I love it. This team still scares me though, and with 4 divisional games remaining on their schedule, they have a huge hand in determining the winner, the winner that could ultimately still end up being them.
5. Edgerinn James- Why is this years Colts offense better than last years? This man. He's involved. They control the game now, instead of just throwing 7 TDs a game against lesser opponents and struggling against good D's. Watching this O, you get the feeling it can score against any D at any time on any field, which makes their impending homefield advantage that much scarier.
6. LaMont Jordan- Which division is better? The NFC East or the AFC West? Who knows. But the fact that these two divisions play each other & 7 of the teams are in playoff contention is thrilling. The Raiders not being in playoff contention makes them the ultimate playoff spoiler. This team could really enjoy their last two months of the season.
7. Steve Smith- 6 letters for you: NFL MVP.
8. Peyton Manning- One sentence for you: Not even his team's MVP.
9. Eli Manning- One sentence to end the insanity: He is not the best Manning in the NFL this year.
10. Drew Bledsoe- Dear Buffalo Bills Offensive Line; we're sorry for criticizing you for allowing to let Bledsoe get sacked & rattled all those times these last few seasons. The "great" Dallas line has allowed him to get sacked 20 times in 8 games. Maybe it's not their lines, maybe it's him. But then, why is he having such a great season?
11. Stephen Davis- Might he be the most unrecognizable RB to ever lead his team to two super bowls? I don't know. More on this in February.
12. Tom Brady- Funny that his best season comes in his teams worst season with him at the helm. Maybe the fact that Peyton is playing like Brady confused him, and now he thinks he has to play like Peyton.
13. Drew Bress- Or Philip Rivers? Or LaDainian Tomlinson? Who is the QB of the future for the Chargers? I don't know, but if the Jets managed to tank this season, draft Reggie Bush & sign Drew Brees, they'd immediately be awesome next year.
14. Jake Plummer- Yes, he's playing better. No, that doesn't mean he is better. He's simply not being asked to win games anymore. He's getting the Trent Dilfer treatment, if you don't lose the game, we'll win the game. It's working.
15. Brett Favre- I know I said no fantasy talk, but I'm shocked he's this high. Maybe my league is a little bit too QB heavy? Might have to fix that next season, so that Aaron Rodgers doesn't become a "top 20" fantasy-player.
16. Stephen Jackson- The man's a stud. And now that Mike Martz is PERMANENTLY out of the picture in St. Louis, Jackson is going to have himself quite the career. Forget Jones & Jones, this is the best RB of the '04 class.
17. Kerry Collins- Does anyone else think he has his week 17 game against the Giants circled? How he'd love to eliminate them from the playoffs.
18. Jake Delhomme- Forget what was said about Stephen Davis. Jake Delhomme as a two-time Super Bowl QB? Wow. And to think, the Saints let him go so they could keep Aaron Brooks. Wow.
19. Antonio Gates- Yes, if he played in week one the Chargers would be 6-3, the Cowboys would be 4-4, and the AFC West & NFC East would be two totally different looking divisions.
20. Tiki Barber- Just because I have to relive the game once more before I let it be and move on to worrying about the rest of the season: The Giants destroyed the "suddenly good" Washington Redskins 36-0. Yup. That felt good.
21. Terrell Owens- Ahahahahahahahahaha. Ok, that's wrong. I'm sorry Philadelphia. Wait, wait- ahahahahahahaahahahaha. Moron.
22. Mark Brunell- Don't you hate when a team finally finds their franchise QB, and he's 45 years old? I almost feel bad for Redskins fans, almost. They've been given so much false information about how good their team is this year, their poor hearts are going to be broken in the coming weeks.
23. Joey Galloway- Has any team gone from superbowl contender to top10 pick team as fast as this years Bucs did? I've never seen anything like it. They don't even scare me anymore, at all. This team is bad.
24. Ben Roethlisberger- Last year the Patriots were just a better team. This year, the Colts are just a better team. The Steelers better hope one of these years is their year before Roethlisberger turns into Vinny Testeverde & just becomes a career journey-man.
25. Byron Leftwich- It's a fact, he is the toughest QB I've ever seen. If the Bengals, Broncos, Chargers & Chiefs aren't careful, they're going to find themselves on the outside of the playoffs looking in because the Jaguars powderpuff schedule down the stretch could leave them at 12-4 and with one of the two wildcard spots.
26. Matt Hasselbeck- Repeat after me: I'm in shock that the Seattle Seahawks, of all teams, are going to have homefield advantage throughout the NFC playoffs. Only question left to ask, is which team "upsets them" in their first game, the Giants, Redskins, Cowboys, Bears or Falcons?
27. Priest Holmes- If the reports of his impending retirement are true, he'll be missed. Definitely one of the mroe fun guys in the NFL to watch. Lucky for the Chiefs, they won't even miss a step with Larry Johnson back there.
28. Santana Moss- Wow, the whole world knew the Moss-for-Coles deal was onesided, but I don't think anybody thought the Jets were the team that got robbed.
29. Chad Johnson- Like T.O., he's a full of himself arrogant showoff. Like T.O., he's full of talent. Unlike T.O., he's got a job.
30. Thomas Jones- Never been a topflight NFL RB, but he's always gotten the job down. Now he's going to get it done to the tune of a divisional championship, with a rookie who has twice the talent of him sitting on the bench.
31. Brian Westbrook- He got his longterm contract on the same day the Eagles lost their passing game. Let's see if it was worth it, now. Can he carry the Eagles the rest of the season? Because he has to.
32. Marvin Harrison- One of the best WRs of all time, and this February he'll finally get to play in a Super Bowl. Unfortunately for him, #'s 7, 11 & 18, as well as a defense up to the task of stopping this Colts O will see to it that he doesn't get a Super Bowl ring. At least, not this year.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
The Shark 'n Party Show
So sometime Sunday night my buddy Marty posted something in his blog about how the ESPN Commentators were all over T.O. Sunday night like the Redskins didn't even matter. I posted a comment in his comments section basically busting his balls about his post (which I did in fact agree with), and in the immortal words of Ron Burgundy, things escalated quickly. The following is, word for word, what went down, since I'm sure you all missed it.
Now you see what happens when a Giants fan & a Redskins fan get at each others throat. Not very pretty. We ain't the brightest people in the world, but we're passionate about our teams, and we can't stand each other's teams (that's what happens when you're part of one of the oldest rivalries in nfl history).
So these sort of arguments have broken out between us from time to time this season, especially since both our teams are playing better than expected (For the record, I still don't believe the Redskins to be a good football team).
For the meantime, though, we're going to try not to get into any morearguments like this one. Actually, I can't say that, because I'm sure they'll break out a lot in the coming months. But one thing we have to look forward to is Giants-Redskins 2005 II, which is on Christmas Eve. Good thing it is, too, because neither of us will be doing very much work in the entire week leading up to that game.
So during that week, blog-style, & will work as one, with the two of us posting a few entries a day in response to each other on that upcoming game. It should be a good time.
Tempers will probably flair.
And of course, on ChristmasEve, all will be right with the world, as the Giants beat the Redskins yet again to complete the season sweep. And then we may never hear from walkingparty again.
Sharkey Comment #1:
don't be upset because your redskins are the worst 5-3 team in recent memory, and struggled to beat a dying eagles team in the ugliest sunday night game in recent memory... life's not that bad... at least your future is bright with mark brunell
Party Comment #1:
I find it funny when people say things like that. What constitutes a bad winning team or a good losing team?
Take San Diego, for example:
Going into yesterday's game, everyone around the league was saying that they were "maybe the best 4-4 team ever." What exactly does that mean? If they were that good, they wouldn't fucking be 4-4...they'd be 5-3 or 6-2. A team on paper means shit, especially in the NFL.
And don't say it has anything to do with the schedule, because the Skins have played two AFC West teams and 3 NFC East teams already (arguably the two toughest divisions in football).
Yes, two of their wins have come over SF (who the Giants just beat as well, and not quite as handily) and Chicago (who are beginning to find rhythm and are also 5-3), but they also beat Seattle (who is 6-2, if you didn't notice).
The fact is that the Redskins are 5-3. Should they be 4-4? 3-5? 2-6? Who knows. They aren't, though.
I'm surprised you even had to time to come over here and read this. Did Eli need a break from you slobbering all over his balls?
Sharkey Comment #2:
Oh feisty... when do I slobber all over Eli's balls? I simply call him better than Roethlisberger. That's basically the only claim I've ever made about him. If you watch the kid, and watch him for a few games, you'll see he's something special, and he one day is going to be an elite QB. He's not this year, but he has the highest scoring offense in the league, so that's not too shabby.
I'm not saying the skins should or shouldn't be anything. They're 5-3, that's what they are. No one can take that away from them. I'm just saying look outside your redskinsvision for a few minutes and realize this team isn't a top team in the nfc. It's on its way there, sure, but it's not this year. Neither are the Giants, despite what anyone may say, so don't call me out on that way.
And the good & bad however many wins/losses teams is a relevant argument, and if you're a football fan, like I assumed you were, you wouldn't argue against that.
You can't penalize a team for one or two bounces taht didn't go their way in september, the NFL season doesn't begin until Week 10 or 11 anyway. (remember, the giants were 5-2 and in a similar situation as the skins last year before they finished 6-10).
For instance, the cowboys outplayed the skins for 57 minutes but lost, both are 5-3. Cowboys are still a better team. Giants O was all over the cowboys in the 4th quarter in that loss, but dallas won the coin toss so the giants loss. Would the Giants be 7-1 right now if they won the coin toss? Probably, but they're just bounces.
There are good & bad 5-3 or 4-4 teams. The Redskins may not be a bad 5-3 team, but I think they are. And I just took up 4735 lines of your blog post section rambling about it.
And my beard is nicer than yours.
Party Comment #2:
But bounces and calls are part of the game, are they not? Luck has a lot to do with what may happen at any given time during the regular season, but that's just the way it goes.
And the season doesn't start until Week 10 or 11, huh? So I guess the 49ers and Texans still have a shot at making the playoffs...
Sure, it's possible to start hot and fizzle out (or vice versa), but you can't honestly believe that every game isn't crucial in the NFL.
Sharkey Comment #3:
Yea, I know luck is a huge part of the game, but luck doesn't make a team good. You can't go out & sign luck to a 6 year, $42 million contract. You & I and a team of midgets could get lucky in the NFL once or twice, that doesn't make us good.
And I don't think the season starts until week 10 or 11. Basically the beginning of November. I'm not saying those other games don't matter, because every game matters. But a teams season is defined by the last two months. You can't play in January if you don't play well in December & November. How many teams in the last few years have been 4-0 or 5-1 or 5-2 or 6-0 & not even made the playoffs. September & October are fun, November & December are great.
Now you see what happens when a Giants fan & a Redskins fan get at each others throat. Not very pretty. We ain't the brightest people in the world, but we're passionate about our teams, and we can't stand each other's teams (that's what happens when you're part of one of the oldest rivalries in nfl history).
So these sort of arguments have broken out between us from time to time this season, especially since both our teams are playing better than expected (For the record, I still don't believe the Redskins to be a good football team).
For the meantime, though, we're going to try not to get into any morearguments like this one. Actually, I can't say that, because I'm sure they'll break out a lot in the coming months. But one thing we have to look forward to is Giants-Redskins 2005 II, which is on Christmas Eve. Good thing it is, too, because neither of us will be doing very much work in the entire week leading up to that game.
So during that week, blog-style, & will work as one, with the two of us posting a few entries a day in response to each other on that upcoming game. It should be a good time.
Tempers will probably flair.
And of course, on ChristmasEve, all will be right with the world, as the Giants beat the Redskins yet again to complete the season sweep. And then we may never hear from walkingparty again.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Shark Championship Standings IV
Fun week in college football. A few good games, a lot of shaking up going on. FSU & UCLA both losing, Miami vs VaTech, Penn State vs Wisconsin. Things were definitely interesting. Last weeks format in the SCS seemed to work, so once again I'll post the standings and then I'll explain how I came up with them.
Quick word before we get to them, though. My buddy Tom will be joining the SCS starting next weekend. As I noted in the first SCS, if anyone wants to help me come up with the weekly standings, you're more than welcome to. He's decided to lend a hand, due to the fact that he hates that I had LSU in the Top 5 last week, and not Miami or UCLA.
Not sure how he's going to contribute, but he will. We'll probably each do a top 15, awarding the first place team with 15 points, 2nd with 14, and so on, and then add the scores up to come up with the official SCS Poll. Or maybe it'll be weighted and my votes will count for more, since I'm more important. Who knows. I'll figure it out. And as always, if anyone else wants to join the SCS, you're more than welcome to.
Now, onto the polls. As always, to view last weeks standings, click on "Shark Championship Standings III" on the right of this post.
1. USC 9-0 (last week: 1)
2. Texas 9-0 (lw: 2)
3. Alabama 9-0 (lw: 4)
4. Miami 6-1 (lw: 8)
5. LSU 7-1 (lw: 5)
6. Notre Dame 6-2 (lw: 7)
7. Virginia Tech 8-1 (lw: 3)
8. Penn State 9-1 (lw: 10)
9. Ohio State 7-2 (lw: 9)
10. Georgia 7-1 (lw: 13)
11. Florida 6-2 (lw: 12)
12. Oregon 8-1 (lw: unr)
13. UCLA 8-1 (lw: 6)
14. West Virginia 7-1 (lw: unr)
15. Michigan 6-3 (lw: 15)
USC & Texas will stay #1 & #2 for the rest of the year as long as they win out. The only threat to leapfrog one of these teams was VaTech, but now that they lost, USC & Texas are planted firmly in those top two spots.
Alabama moves up to #3 for a week, thanks more to Miami than to their own credit. Their offense is seriously dying lately, and after their loss to LSU this Saturday, they will fall out of the Top 10, more likely than not.
Miami leapfrogs LSU & Notre Dame, who both won. LSU "struggled" to only beat Appalachian State 27-0. The BCS may have gotten rid of margin of victory, but it still counts to me. When LSU puts up the same amount on Appalachian State that Miami does on Virginia Tech, that has to count against LSU. Notre Dame played alright against Tennessee, but besides the first 10 minutes & the last 15, they didn't really deserve to win. Game was a lot closer than the score showed. They could have leapfrogged LSU into 5, but I still think LSU is a better team overall, so I only moved them up one spot to 6.
As for VaTech at 7, they lost, so they had to fall, but this is still a top 5 team. And with Notre Dame only playing Navy next week, plus Alabama vs LSU, the Hokies will surely find themselves back in the top 5 by next Monday.
Penn State & Ohio State have been neck & neck all season long. Gotten a lot of complaints about Ohio State being ahead of Penn State even though PSU beat OSU. Well Lions, you finally got your wish. After the dismantling of the Badgers this weekend (who subsequentially fell out of the SCS Top 15), PSU jumps over OSU to #8. OSU had a very convincing win as well, but Wisconsin is just a better opponent than Illinois.
On a more interesting note, the #8 spot is a very important one. A lot of people have asked what the point of the SCS is recently, and it's time now I reveal it. The SCS will result in the first ever NCAA Div-1a Football Playoffs. The top 8 teams will be invited. There is a website associated with NCAA 06 for Playstation2 that updates their rosters every week in accordance with all the teams in the league. Once the season is over, I will download the final update onto my playstation, and then simulate the playoffs on there. This may seem kind of cheesy, but I guarantee its a more accurate way to determine a national champion than the BCS is.
Georgia moves up from 13 to 10 without even playing because every team in the world seemed to lsoe this week, or in Florida's case, not make a convincing case as to why they should be a Top 10 team, despite their victory.
Oregon beats Cal to make their SCS debut, followed by UCLA who got absolutely manhandled by lowly Arizona. UCLA will continue their fall out of the SCS, and once Wisco
nsin & FSU start winning again, UCLA may found themselves on the outside looking in.
West Virginia & Michigan round out the Top 15, only because somebody has to. Florida State & Wisconsin are the two teams who dropped out of this weeks SCS. Wins against Clemson & Iowa, respectively, next week will go a long way towards getting them back into the Top 15, but they may have lost any chance they had to get one of the 8 playoff spots.
And lastly, speaking of Florida State, has anyone seen the Florida State Girls recently? They're reason enough to become a Seminoles fan, or at the very least, vote the 'Noles into the Top 15.
Quick word before we get to them, though. My buddy Tom will be joining the SCS starting next weekend. As I noted in the first SCS, if anyone wants to help me come up with the weekly standings, you're more than welcome to. He's decided to lend a hand, due to the fact that he hates that I had LSU in the Top 5 last week, and not Miami or UCLA.
Not sure how he's going to contribute, but he will. We'll probably each do a top 15, awarding the first place team with 15 points, 2nd with 14, and so on, and then add the scores up to come up with the official SCS Poll. Or maybe it'll be weighted and my votes will count for more, since I'm more important. Who knows. I'll figure it out. And as always, if anyone else wants to join the SCS, you're more than welcome to.
Now, onto the polls. As always, to view last weeks standings, click on "Shark Championship Standings III" on the right of this post.
1. USC 9-0 (last week: 1)
2. Texas 9-0 (lw: 2)
3. Alabama 9-0 (lw: 4)
4. Miami 6-1 (lw: 8)
5. LSU 7-1 (lw: 5)
6. Notre Dame 6-2 (lw: 7)
7. Virginia Tech 8-1 (lw: 3)
8. Penn State 9-1 (lw: 10)
9. Ohio State 7-2 (lw: 9)
10. Georgia 7-1 (lw: 13)
11. Florida 6-2 (lw: 12)
12. Oregon 8-1 (lw: unr)
13. UCLA 8-1 (lw: 6)
14. West Virginia 7-1 (lw: unr)
15. Michigan 6-3 (lw: 15)
USC & Texas will stay #1 & #2 for the rest of the year as long as they win out. The only threat to leapfrog one of these teams was VaTech, but now that they lost, USC & Texas are planted firmly in those top two spots.
Alabama moves up to #3 for a week, thanks more to Miami than to their own credit. Their offense is seriously dying lately, and after their loss to LSU this Saturday, they will fall out of the Top 10, more likely than not.
Miami leapfrogs LSU & Notre Dame, who both won. LSU "struggled" to only beat Appalachian State 27-0. The BCS may have gotten rid of margin of victory, but it still counts to me. When LSU puts up the same amount on Appalachian State that Miami does on Virginia Tech, that has to count against LSU. Notre Dame played alright against Tennessee, but besides the first 10 minutes & the last 15, they didn't really deserve to win. Game was a lot closer than the score showed. They could have leapfrogged LSU into 5, but I still think LSU is a better team overall, so I only moved them up one spot to 6.
As for VaTech at 7, they lost, so they had to fall, but this is still a top 5 team. And with Notre Dame only playing Navy next week, plus Alabama vs LSU, the Hokies will surely find themselves back in the top 5 by next Monday.
Penn State & Ohio State have been neck & neck all season long. Gotten a lot of complaints about Ohio State being ahead of Penn State even though PSU beat OSU. Well Lions, you finally got your wish. After the dismantling of the Badgers this weekend (who subsequentially fell out of the SCS Top 15), PSU jumps over OSU to #8. OSU had a very convincing win as well, but Wisconsin is just a better opponent than Illinois.
On a more interesting note, the #8 spot is a very important one. A lot of people have asked what the point of the SCS is recently, and it's time now I reveal it. The SCS will result in the first ever NCAA Div-1a Football Playoffs. The top 8 teams will be invited. There is a website associated with NCAA 06 for Playstation2 that updates their rosters every week in accordance with all the teams in the league. Once the season is over, I will download the final update onto my playstation, and then simulate the playoffs on there. This may seem kind of cheesy, but I guarantee its a more accurate way to determine a national champion than the BCS is.
Georgia moves up from 13 to 10 without even playing because every team in the world seemed to lsoe this week, or in Florida's case, not make a convincing case as to why they should be a Top 10 team, despite their victory.
Oregon beats Cal to make their SCS debut, followed by UCLA who got absolutely manhandled by lowly Arizona. UCLA will continue their fall out of the SCS, and once Wisco

West Virginia & Michigan round out the Top 15, only because somebody has to. Florida State & Wisconsin are the two teams who dropped out of this weeks SCS. Wins against Clemson & Iowa, respectively, next week will go a long way towards getting them back into the Top 15, but they may have lost any chance they had to get one of the 8 playoff spots.
And lastly, speaking of Florida State, has anyone seen the Florida State Girls recently? They're reason enough to become a Seminoles fan, or at the very least, vote the 'Noles into the Top 15.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Thursday Ramblings
So as you may or may not have noticed, I've promised readers an NBA Season preview today. Well, I was thinking about it these last few days, and I've come to a realization. I can't possibly dedicate an entire blog to the NBA. One, I don't really like it enough. And two, I don't know anything about it, really.
So here, in ramblings style, is what I think about the upcoming season, as well as some other non-NBA related talk.
*Last year, when the NHL was cancelled, I had nothing to watch in the winter, so I promised myself I'd get more into the Nets. And I did. I actually watched like 25 games, and learned all the players. I enjoyed it, too. So this year, with the NHL back, I promised myself I'd still watch the Nets, and make a concentrated effort to follow the entire NBA, as well. Well, after last night, I've realized I can still watch the Nets this year, but the other part of the equation is just too much to ask of me. I tried watching NBA highlights on Sportscenter last night, and I couldn't sit through them. Sorry, NBA, you're not for me. But go Nets!
*That said, I don't understand what all the hype is with this Nets team. Sure, it's probably going to win the Atlantic Division, but that's by default. They're not very good. 45 wins, at most. Maybe 47. And then they'll play the Bulls, Cavs or (gasp) Bucks in the first round & get demolished in 5 or 6 games. Not pretty.
*I hinted to it last paragraph, now I'll flat out say it. The Milwaukee Bucks are going to make the playoffs this year, and they aren't going to be the 8th seed.
*Still not sure why the Heat remodeled their entire team.
*Spurs still can't be beat, but because every person in the world is predicting them, I won't.
*Heat over Spurs.
*I can't believe those bastards on Survivor tonight voted out Brandon & let Jamie stay. I may hate Jamie more then any other Survivor player, ever. And Brandon was probably my favorite on this season. He got a raw deal. I hope one of Dani, Gary or Bobby Jon can outlast the other idiots on Tribe-6.
*I've watched less hockey in the first month of this new NHL season then I did last October, when there wasn't an NHL season. I swore all along that the lockout wouldn't have any affect on me, and I was in it for the long haul. But I guess I was wrong. Is anyone else having a hard time getting into it? Or am I just refusing to acknowledge the fact that the Devils are no longer a powerhouse? I can't get into hockey at all this year, and it's really depressing.
*Everyone is calling the Giants-9ers game on Sunday a trap game. So I'm going to one-up them. Giants 31, 49ers 9. Actually, that's not true. I'm nervous as hell about this game. The Giants of the last 10 years or so always found a way to lose a game like this, one they had no right losing. So I'm nervous. If this team is really moving into the future, and beginning what looks to be a very promising decade, it will not lose this game. Good teams don't lose this game. Period.
*I finally sat down & looked at Brady Quinn's stats the other day. Wow. 7 games, 2400 yards, 21 TDs, 5 INTs. For the NFL fan that can't really comprehend this, I'll translate. If he were in the NFL, over a 16 game schedule, with those averages his season would be, well, ridiculous. 5500 yards, 48 TDs & 11 INTs. Not even Peyton Manning can dream up a season like that.
*Of course, pro teams don't play the likes of Washington & BYU, but still, it's fun to imagine. Brady Quinn is going to not only be a much better NFL QB then Matt Leinart, he'll get drafted at a higher position then Leinart does.
*The Reggie Bush Watch: New York Jets, Minnesota Vikings, San Francisco 49ers, Houston Texans, Green Bay Packers. 4 of these teams need Reggie Bush. The 5th needs 53 new players & 11 new coaches, and Kevin E. Sharkey as their GM.
*To everyone criticizing me for putting LSU at #5 in the SCS, and saying they'll finish #4, consider this. If Miami beats VaTech on Saturday, LSU will very likely finish the SCS at #3. And if it weren't for a 2nd half meltdown against Tennessee in September, they'd probably be #2. Then we could finally get that USC-LSU Showdown that we were robbed of a few years ago.
*Sharkey out.
So here, in ramblings style, is what I think about the upcoming season, as well as some other non-NBA related talk.
*Last year, when the NHL was cancelled, I had nothing to watch in the winter, so I promised myself I'd get more into the Nets. And I did. I actually watched like 25 games, and learned all the players. I enjoyed it, too. So this year, with the NHL back, I promised myself I'd still watch the Nets, and make a concentrated effort to follow the entire NBA, as well. Well, after last night, I've realized I can still watch the Nets this year, but the other part of the equation is just too much to ask of me. I tried watching NBA highlights on Sportscenter last night, and I couldn't sit through them. Sorry, NBA, you're not for me. But go Nets!
*That said, I don't understand what all the hype is with this Nets team. Sure, it's probably going to win the Atlantic Division, but that's by default. They're not very good. 45 wins, at most. Maybe 47. And then they'll play the Bulls, Cavs or (gasp) Bucks in the first round & get demolished in 5 or 6 games. Not pretty.
*I hinted to it last paragraph, now I'll flat out say it. The Milwaukee Bucks are going to make the playoffs this year, and they aren't going to be the 8th seed.
*Still not sure why the Heat remodeled their entire team.
*Spurs still can't be beat, but because every person in the world is predicting them, I won't.
*Heat over Spurs.
*I can't believe those bastards on Survivor tonight voted out Brandon & let Jamie stay. I may hate Jamie more then any other Survivor player, ever. And Brandon was probably my favorite on this season. He got a raw deal. I hope one of Dani, Gary or Bobby Jon can outlast the other idiots on Tribe-6.
*I've watched less hockey in the first month of this new NHL season then I did last October, when there wasn't an NHL season. I swore all along that the lockout wouldn't have any affect on me, and I was in it for the long haul. But I guess I was wrong. Is anyone else having a hard time getting into it? Or am I just refusing to acknowledge the fact that the Devils are no longer a powerhouse? I can't get into hockey at all this year, and it's really depressing.
*Everyone is calling the Giants-9ers game on Sunday a trap game. So I'm going to one-up them. Giants 31, 49ers 9. Actually, that's not true. I'm nervous as hell about this game. The Giants of the last 10 years or so always found a way to lose a game like this, one they had no right losing. So I'm nervous. If this team is really moving into the future, and beginning what looks to be a very promising decade, it will not lose this game. Good teams don't lose this game. Period.
*I finally sat down & looked at Brady Quinn's stats the other day. Wow. 7 games, 2400 yards, 21 TDs, 5 INTs. For the NFL fan that can't really comprehend this, I'll translate. If he were in the NFL, over a 16 game schedule, with those averages his season would be, well, ridiculous. 5500 yards, 48 TDs & 11 INTs. Not even Peyton Manning can dream up a season like that.
*Of course, pro teams don't play the likes of Washington & BYU, but still, it's fun to imagine. Brady Quinn is going to not only be a much better NFL QB then Matt Leinart, he'll get drafted at a higher position then Leinart does.
*The Reggie Bush Watch: New York Jets, Minnesota Vikings, San Francisco 49ers, Houston Texans, Green Bay Packers. 4 of these teams need Reggie Bush. The 5th needs 53 new players & 11 new coaches, and Kevin E. Sharkey as their GM.
*To everyone criticizing me for putting LSU at #5 in the SCS, and saying they'll finish #4, consider this. If Miami beats VaTech on Saturday, LSU will very likely finish the SCS at #3. And if it weren't for a 2nd half meltdown against Tennessee in September, they'd probably be #2. Then we could finally get that USC-LSU Showdown that we were robbed of a few years ago.
*Sharkey out.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
New MLB Awards
I've decided to create two new MLB Awards to be handed out at the end of every season, along with the Most Valuable Player & Cy Young Awards. As a person as influential as I am, I'm sure MLB will catch on rather quickly, and by the end of the 2006 season, they will be certified awards.
It's actually only one award, given out twice. One in the American League, one in the National League. And it's something the NFL has been doing for years, because they're the only professional league in America that has any idea of how to run a sport correctly.
It's the "Offensive Player of the Year" Award. Or "Batter of the Year." Or whatever you want to call it. I have a name for it, but we'll save that for later.
This award is being created this year for one reason & one reason only, so Andruw Jones get's the recognition he deserves. Right now the Offensive Player of the Year & the MVP are virtually the same award. Well, that's unfair. Albert Pujols is likely going to win the MVP award this year. Why? The answer everyone will say is simple: look at his numbers.
So here's my question. Instead of asking why, I ask what do numbers have to do with value? Sure, Andruw Jones only batted .255 or something this season, but look beyond his numbers. If he wasn't on that Braves team, do you think they would have won the NL East yet again? When Chipper was on the DL in the spring, he hit 15 home runs in a 30 game span. When young guys like Wilson Betemit & Jeff Francoeur were getting adjusted to the MLB level of play (granted it didn't take them long to get adjusted), Jones was counted on to carry the team. This is a team that started a 60 year old for most of the season. Rafael Furcal did a stint on the DL. Chipper came back for about 3 weeks and then spent another month on the DL. But all the while, the Braves were winning, because Andruw Jones refused to quit. Now that's a Most Valuable Player.
Don't get me wrong, Albert Pujols is extremely valuable. Most other years, he'd win the MVP in my book, but not this year. If, say, it was Albert Pujols that was lost for the year in April, and Scott Rolen who played healthy all year & hit his 38 homers & 125 RBI's, do you not think the Cardinals would still win 100 games? I'm sure they would. That team is just that good. It's more then just pieces.
So there you have it. Andruw Jones is your 2005 NL MVP. And no offense to Derrek Lee, but Albert Pujols is the "Batter of the Year."
In the American League, Alex Rodriguez is the "Batter of the Year," and David Ortiz is the most valuable player, because without him, the Red Sox are fighting to go .500 this year. Without A-Rod, the Yankees are trading for someone else & still winning the AL East.
Now, doesn't that feel better. Everyone who deserves to get recognized is getting recognized. Sure, in most years, the MVP & BoY will be the same person. But for times when they aren't, it's good we have both awards.
Now, onto naming the awards, since BoY just doesn't do. Usually awards only get named by players who have long since retired. But for this one, we'll waive that rule. Because there are two people, one in each league, who stand for everything the BoY stands for. Great numbers, and a huge lack of value.
The National League BoY award is now known as the Bobby Abreu Award. Congrats to Albert Pujols for being the first Bobby Abreu winner.
And obviously, the American League BoY is the Alex Rodriguez award. If this award was created 6 years ago, he'd probably have 5 or 6 of these things, so it's only fitting he wins the first one. He'll get plenty more to add to his mantelpiece before he retires.
It's actually only one award, given out twice. One in the American League, one in the National League. And it's something the NFL has been doing for years, because they're the only professional league in America that has any idea of how to run a sport correctly.
It's the "Offensive Player of the Year" Award. Or "Batter of the Year." Or whatever you want to call it. I have a name for it, but we'll save that for later.
This award is being created this year for one reason & one reason only, so Andruw Jones get's the recognition he deserves. Right now the Offensive Player of the Year & the MVP are virtually the same award. Well, that's unfair. Albert Pujols is likely going to win the MVP award this year. Why? The answer everyone will say is simple: look at his numbers.
So here's my question. Instead of asking why, I ask what do numbers have to do with value? Sure, Andruw Jones only batted .255 or something this season, but look beyond his numbers. If he wasn't on that Braves team, do you think they would have won the NL East yet again? When Chipper was on the DL in the spring, he hit 15 home runs in a 30 game span. When young guys like Wilson Betemit & Jeff Francoeur were getting adjusted to the MLB level of play (granted it didn't take them long to get adjusted), Jones was counted on to carry the team. This is a team that started a 60 year old for most of the season. Rafael Furcal did a stint on the DL. Chipper came back for about 3 weeks and then spent another month on the DL. But all the while, the Braves were winning, because Andruw Jones refused to quit. Now that's a Most Valuable Player.
Don't get me wrong, Albert Pujols is extremely valuable. Most other years, he'd win the MVP in my book, but not this year. If, say, it was Albert Pujols that was lost for the year in April, and Scott Rolen who played healthy all year & hit his 38 homers & 125 RBI's, do you not think the Cardinals would still win 100 games? I'm sure they would. That team is just that good. It's more then just pieces.
So there you have it. Andruw Jones is your 2005 NL MVP. And no offense to Derrek Lee, but Albert Pujols is the "Batter of the Year."
In the American League, Alex Rodriguez is the "Batter of the Year," and David Ortiz is the most valuable player, because without him, the Red Sox are fighting to go .500 this year. Without A-Rod, the Yankees are trading for someone else & still winning the AL East.
Now, doesn't that feel better. Everyone who deserves to get recognized is getting recognized. Sure, in most years, the MVP & BoY will be the same person. But for times when they aren't, it's good we have both awards.
Now, onto naming the awards, since BoY just doesn't do. Usually awards only get named by players who have long since retired. But for this one, we'll waive that rule. Because there are two people, one in each league, who stand for everything the BoY stands for. Great numbers, and a huge lack of value.
The National League BoY award is now known as the Bobby Abreu Award. Congrats to Albert Pujols for being the first Bobby Abreu winner.
And obviously, the American League BoY is the Alex Rodriguez award. If this award was created 6 years ago, he'd probably have 5 or 6 of these things, so it's only fitting he wins the first one. He'll get plenty more to add to his mantelpiece before he retires.
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