Saturday, October 22, 2005

The Central Time Zone Series

I refuse to acknowledge this years World Series. I just can't. These playoffs have been too unpredictable. Usually that's a good thing, it adds excitement. Not this year. This year they've been flat out boring. In fact, other then the 9th inning of game 5 of the NLCS, you can argue that this has been the worst postseason in baseball history. I think it has been.

But yet, the games go on. Supposedly there is a World Series about to be played, starting tomorrow night. I refuse to acknowledge it. I don't want anything to do with it. Nothing against the two teams, but this series isn't even deserving of the title "World Series". That should be saved for a series that brings excitement.

This brings none. It's the other Chicago team, or the other Sox team, with the 3rd-rate "curse", against the Astros, who defied all logic & won game 6 handily, thus screwing up what could have been a magical game 7.

I want no part of it.

I refuse to recognize the World Series. I refuse to tune in to see Jeff Bagwell, Craig Biggio or Frank Thomas finally get what they believe is a world series ring. I refuse to capitalize world series anymore in this post. I refuse to watch a great pitching matchup in game 1. Or another great matchup in game 2. I refuse to get sucked into a 7 game series which may have less then 10 total runs scored. I refuse to enjoy the fact that we have totally fresh blood in the World Series for the first time since 2002. I refuse to get joy out of watching two long suffering fanbases finally get theirs. I refuse to get sucked into the hype that this series will deliver in a way in which the previous 6 (of 2005) couldn't.

And I refuse to believe that Chicago will finally have a World Series title, which, when added to the First Sox title from last year, will probably make Cubs fans more insane & suicidal then they already are.

Yea, I refuse to get caught up in any of the hoopla, because as far as I'm concerned baseball is over until next April.

Which is a very depressing thought. Thank God we've got 7 great games ahead of us before that cold truth becomes a reality.

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