This fucking guy does!
Another great Bonnaroo has come & gone. Lots of alcohol, lots of "other stuff," lots of great music, and no sleep. Except for the 45 power naps I took during sets. Here is my shorthand Reviewaroo.
Temperature- Hot As Balls
Got in line around noon, got to our camp around 2:30. CAMP YAO! Our setup was glorious. We had 6 or 7 tents right along a chainlink fence right on top of a lake. A nice swift breeze once every 4 hours really helped cool things down. In the middle of the tents was 3 shade tents & a tarp which gave us the most rocking setup ever. We also had a foam Yao Ming head on a makeshift flagpole about 25 feet in the air, that was glorious.
Saw three bands.
Cat Empire - Top 5 show of the weekend. Just fun upbeat jam/dance music, highly recommended.
Devotchka - I fell asleep like 8 minutes into this set. Best sleeping music ever.
Toubab Krewe - Also a Top 5 show of the weekend. Purely instrumental, these guys rocked plain & simple. Ended the set with an 11 minute drum solo.
Temperature - Hotter than balls!
Woke up 830ish on Friday. Hung around camp for a few hours, headed to centeroo about 130ish. Not many non-musical highlights on this day.
Saw five bands.
Ben Folds - Disappointment. Not sure if he just doesn't go over well in front of huge festival crowds, or if it was the fact that I was about 8700 yards from the stage, or if it was the fact that the temperature was floating somewhere around 150 degrees at this point, but I didn't enjoy this set.
Nickel Creek - Kristen & I were dying of heat at this point, so we found a nice little patch of shade behind a portapotty row and layed down for this set. Sounded fantastic though. Great cover of Britney Spear's "Toxic" was the highlight of the set. I'm pretty sure I took a nap during this set.
Robert Randolph & The Family Band - Met up with my friend Reg from college during this set. RRFB never disappoints, and they kept that streak going here. Played a bunch of new stuff of their fall release, which I'm stoked for. G Love come out for like 30 minutes, which was sweet. G Love was the stagewhore of the weekend.
American Minor - I had pumped these guys up to the people I was camping with the previous two days, and they were kind of a letdown. I am still absolutely in love with their CD, but their live show leaves a lot to be desired.
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Best set of the weekend far & away. Finally got a chance to see this man, and he did not disappoint. Played all the classics. Played the yardbirds. Played the Traveling Wilburys. Brought Steve Nicks on stage for a Fleetwood Mac song, and she stayed on stage for like a half hour. Ended with a fantastic double-encore performance of American Girl. All in all, just amazing.
Temperature - damn near perfect
Woke up bright & early again on this day, all pumped for the USA-Italy soccer match. Hung around camp for a few hours before Chris, Pat & I met Doozer in line to get into the cinema tent to watch the game. Unfortunately we waited in line for 2 hours only to be told when we were 40 feet from the entrance that they were letting no one else in. Bullshit if you ask me, we got screwed. Oh well. Was still able to catch some of the game.
After SuperJam, Pat, Chris, Kristen & I pull what was basically an all nighter playing 4cup & beer pong. Good times.
Saw three bands.
Rusted Root - Finally got to see these guys, good shit. Only caught the 2nd half of the set, but was definitely not disappointed.
Blues Traveler - This was the Holy Shit set of the weekend. Definitely #2 behind only Petty. I knew this set would be good, but I never thought it would blow me away. So freakin' good. G Love came out for a SIC cover of The Joker. Ended the set with a fantastic medley of Run Around > Crash Burn > Shout > Hook. Wow. Simply wow.
Superjam - I was half asleep for this set, but it was pretty damn ridiculous.
Temperature - Not quite hot as balls, but pretty freakin' humid
Went to bed at like 630 Sunday morning, woke up at like 11. Packed up camp a bit, then headed back for one last hurrah at Centeroo.
Saw four bands.
Soulive - Disappointment. Have seen & loved this guys before, they just didn't bring it this weekend.
Bela Fleck & The Flecktones - Great set. #3 of the weekend for sure. Their cover of Come Together was my favorite cover of the weekend.
Matisyahu - I think I'm losing interest in him, he was a disappointment.
moe. - Good shit. Glad I finally got to see these guys. Will definitely go see them next time they're around.
All in all, Bonnaroo fucking rocked. What else would you expect from the 4 greatest days of the year? God I can't wait for 2007!
Jesus Christ you and your dad are cut from the exact same mold. You are too funny. I found you by accident and I'm related to you and I remember when you were little and the only hint I'm gonna give you is your dad's Archie Manning card which he better have proudly displayed somewhere in his house. Sounds like you're a great kid. Keep up the amusing banter :)
Wow I wonder how long I've missed this comment. The Archie Card is sitll up, as far as I can remember, but the hint definitely doesn't help me figure out who you are. Need more clues!!
Sweetie, I doubt if you will even know who I am. Your dad will know immediately from the Archie reference. Your dad and mine are first cousins. So what the hell does that make us? I can never figure that crap out. Maybe second cousins. Anyway, is it queer to say I can't believe how big you are? Sounds like you're 6 years old doesnt it? Hope you and your sis are doing well. Peace out.
Haha alright I'll ask him about the Archie reference when I see him this weekend. And no worries on the 6 year old comments, haha, I'm used to them. I act like a 6 year old 90% of the time anyway!
Ahhh, It's so nice to see the youth of our family carry forth our insanely good taste in music. I fear, however, that although you are obviously a baseball fan, the blessed yankee fan gene may have escaped you. I can't get a clear picture of your favorite team (Astros perhaps?) from your blog yet, but I have bad vibes that you are not on board with the bombers. Sigh. This will take some time for me to get over. I'll work it out. Say hi to your dad and have a good weekend. By the way, Corn on the Cob is by FAR my favorite post.
I like the Yankees, but alas no, I'm not a bomber fan. Like my father, I'm a Phillies fan thru & thru, even though they've had one good season in my life. Oh well.
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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