Thursday, January 05, 2006

End of the SharkeyBowl

Remember the Bowl Challenge? Yea, it wasn't as big of a hit as I would have liked, or as big of a hit as the other two challenges currently are (both are looking at having over 25 contestants in each). But nonetheless, there were 10 people in it, and they deserve to know where they finished.

The final standings:

1. Scott 72
2. Doozer 71
3. Tom 70
4. Pat 68
5. Ryan 64
6. Shark 57
6. Meza 57
8. Vols 49
9. Mark 48
10. Hadgie 47

The next two days are exciting days here at the headquarters. Tomorrow night is the unveiling of the final SCS Top 15 Poll. With it comes news on next years SCS, which will be completely different, and much more accurate in the world of the Top15 (meaning, not so much Notre Dame favoritism). And on Friday morning I will put up notices on the NFL Playoff Challenge & the Playoffs Fantasy Football. You'll see who's in each, and what they picked.

Good times had by all. Congrats Longhorns, great win. USC is still better.

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