Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Just got done talking to a buddy about Uggs, those stupid boot things that girls all love.

I'll admit, I think they're ugly, and one of the worst fashion statements of my lifetime, but I don't really see why so many guys get all worked up over them. There's a few things guys need to understand when they go on their rant about Uggs.

1) There are other parts of the female body that they should be focusing on, instead of their feet.

2) Girls wear uggs not to impress guys. They do other stuff to impress guys. Girls wear uggs to impress other girls. Why? I don't know. I haven't figured out how the female mind works. It's a mystery to me. But I do know that most every fashion decision a girl makes isn't to impress guys, it's to impress other girls. Very weird.

3) If you're anything like me, talking crap about someones fashion sense is the last thing you can do, because, if you're like me, you have zero fashion sense at all, and just wear whatever's comfortable, or whatever's on the top of the drawer when you open it.

4) Maybe her feet are cold?

The end.

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